your PERSONAlised THERAPeutic audio journey

POWERED BY MUSIC, LYRICS, and psychology

download the app or get in touch for our api

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The best app, ever !!

    I have never used an app like it before, so unique! The variety of music and the soothing voices all just work so well together. Love it so so so much 🥰

    Kaya, 24, London

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Perfect approach

    I’ve always found it hard to stick with meditation that feels forced, like it’s appropriating spirituality etc. but Spoke is unlike any other mindfulness app. It feels relatable

    Ben, 20, London

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Wow!

    The mindfulness tool I never knew I needed! So so grateful it was introduced to me 🙏🏼

    Laurent, 22, NYC

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Fantastic

    None of it feels pretentious like some other meditation apps. It’s actually fun to use.

    Jesse, 20, LA

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Music as Medicine

    This is the best experience I’ve had across a number of apps and experiences.

    Samuel, 28, Manchester

  • ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A different take

    A refreshing app without all the cliche soft voice, tips on how to calm, this is a new approach and I love it.

    Ardi, 21, London


a social enterprise and movement, on a mission to achieve global mental health equity.


Enhance Your Mind with Every Beat: Better Sleep, Sharper Focus and More Positive Outlook

Experience transformative mental health care through music and lyricism.

Every personalised music journey bakes in proven techniques like mindfulness, CBT, and positive psychology, all crafted by world-class artists.

Tailored to your mood, state of mind, and musical preferences, each session is a personal journey towards mental wellness. Current genres include Lo-Fi Hop Hop, Neo Soul, Afrobeats, House, Jazz, and more.

Feel an uplift in your well-being with just one session - scientifically shown to enhance feelings of well-being by 20.3%.

SPOKE makes mental health care as easy as listening to your favourite music.



At SPOKE World, we build innovative technology that brings together emotion-healing music with neuroscience-backed psychology.

We also build community and have a global network of people, artists and scientists who, together, believe we can do better.

Our technology, community and category-defining personalised therapeutic audio system can be found in the SPOKE app or across partner platforms.

We also campaign for systemic change, in healthcare and the arts, in a fight for a future system centred around care and well-being.


Currently, 44% of 16-24-year-olds feel “persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness” and this has doubled in the last twelve years.
Music and the arts can shape culture. Culture is intrinsic to the system our society is in. By working to shape culture we believe we can grow toward a more prosperous world for us all.
80% of suicides in the UK and US are male. Our system is failing men just as much as it has always failed women.